Education & Training

The Southern Network is a member of the Joint Training Team. The JTT is made up of members from the four Child and Family Services Authorities who work together to get our staff and caregivers relevant and culturally safe education and training. As a First Nation organization, we are led by indigenous values and priorities which will be reflected in our education and training.

The Network supports our member Agencies by giving them the autonomy, flexibility and resources to provide training for their staff and caregivers as they see the needs arise in the children and families they serve. 

Major Functions of Our Unit

  • Provide relevant, value-added courses and training for agency staff – including front-line workers, supervisors, foster care, finance, human resources and administration.
  • Provide teachings and education that support indigenous perspectives, values and ways of life.
  • Equip our staff, agency staff and care providers with heart knowledge as well as head knowledge to better our relationships with others and in return will result in better services.

We are taking care of our own.

If you would like to learn more about our organization, the services we provide or our member agencies, please feel free to start a conversation.

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