CBC News: B.C. court rules against MCFD, permits Indigenous mother and child to return home with supports

CBC News: B.C. court rules against MCFD, permits Indigenous mother and child to return home with supports

Posted in In The News, News Sidebar

A provincial court judge has overturned a Ministry of Child and Family Development sanctioned apprehension and ordered an Indigenous mother to be reunited with her baby.

CBC News Posted: Mar 15, 2018

Last month, the Huu-ay-aht Nation went to court, arguing the mother, who cannot be named due to a publication ban, did not have sufficient time to bond with her baby and breastfeed, before the baby's removal.

The court ruled the ministry must provide the mother with daily access to the baby.

Last week, lawyers with the ministry sought to reduce the amount of visitation time the Huu-ay-aht mother could spend with the baby.

Now, provincial court Judge Barbara Flewelling has ruled the baby must be returned to the mother no later than Saturday, March 17.



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