The Quality Assurance/Vision Keepers unit works in collaboration with our Southern Network staff, member Agencies, communities and their leadership to ensure that quality services are being provided to the children and families of our southern First Nation communities.
A specific program review or a comprehensive review of the programs and operations within one of our member Agencies may be conducted, either at the request of the Agency or as needed by the Southern Network.
The Southern Network works collaboratively with the Quality Assurance Coordinators from each of our member Agencies to complete specific program reviews. Examples include: Service Delivery, Foster Care Programs and Abuse Programs.
A review of the services provided by an Agency to a child or the family of a child who has sustained a serious injury or died while in agency care or received services within one year prior to the serious injury or death.
An Internal Agency Review is sometimes requested from an Agency following a Critical Incident involving a child currently involved with the Agency or who has received services within one year of the critical incident.
If you would like to learn more about our organization, the services we provide or our member agencies, please feel free to start a conversation.